Are you ready to take the plunge?

Vipul Shaha
3 min readOct 15, 2020


“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” — Howard Thurman

Whether you are thinking of a gap year, are currently in college, or find yourself at a crossroads…we invite you to follow the call…whether you are looking for a creative challenge or an adventure, seeking to serve a higher purpose, wishing to step out of the routine or push yourself beyond your comfort zone…re-invent yourself or re-define the world…we welcome you into a journey of immense possibilities! Here you will find many interesting opportunities, stories, inspirations and ideas for self-exploration, volunteering, internships, travel, self-designed learning and radical experiments! They range from short-term workshops to long-term Fellowship or scholarship programs. This journey may also take you to inspiring people and organizations willing to host you as an intern or a volunteer, creative spaces for self-retreats or active social engagement…into the unknown and so much more! Join a tribe of fellow travelers…fellow wanderers, seekers, explorers! What is your heart calling you towards? Are you ready to take the plunge?

“When was the last time you did something for the first time?”

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”

“Let the beaty of what you love be what you do.”

“What you seek is seeking you.”― Rumi

“In order to find one’s way, one must first be lost.” — An African Proverb

“The purpose of life is to find your unique gift. The meaning of life is to share it with the world!” — Unknown

“Truth is a pathless land.” — J. Krishnamurti


Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart
and to try to love the questions themselves
like locked rooms and like books that are written
in a very foreign tongue.
Do not now seek the answers,
which cannot be given you
because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is, to live everything.
Live the questions now.
Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it,
live along some distant day
into the answer.

– Rainer Maria Rilke



T. E. Pyrus

Tell me a story, traveller,

of unwalked roads you walked alone
beneath the blue and sunlit sky,
paved with earth or cobblestone
and straying clouds that wander by.

of strange lands and stranger folks
and strange songs they sang with you,
in strange tongues they call their home,
that, in your dreams, was somewhere new.

of temporary loves you loved,
then set your broken lovers free,
and healed your broken, heartless soul
beneath the starry sky and sea.

of darkened woods and foreign sound
that haunt the night-time every night.
of moons that follow footsteps quiet
and stars that watch in silent light.

of stormy nights and thunderclouds
that failed to bring your childish fears,
and drowning rain that drowned the winds
and brought you melancholic tears.

of snowy golden sunsets high
on mountain sides, ragged and old
and tears of wonder, tears of joy,
love of stories left untold.

of rivers running swiftly by
your resting sleep ere break of day.
of twilights that blanket the sky
and sweep the orange clouds away.

of lost lanterns and memories
and aimless wandering in the night.
of faraway towns of scattered starry
homes so warm and hearts so bright.

of lone camp-fires’ dancing songs
and lonely faded quiet applause.
of longing and of selfish pain,
of losing love and loving loss.

Tell me a story, traveller,
of reminiscing in grateful shade,
and of your final travel home
before your loving memories fade.



Vipul Shaha

Gap Year Coach, Youth Mentor, Mindfulness Based Counselor, Yoga & Mindfulness Trainer, Holistic Education Consultant, Facilitator, Environmental Educator